Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Pox and Alabaster...

When we went to take the doors off to paint the cabinets, (my husband insisted--I'm not gonna lie, I'm a tape those suckers up and paint with them on kinda girl.) this is what we found (well, he found:-)

Painted over!

Yep! The hinges were painted over. All. Of. Them. Mr. LaLa had a TIME getting them off, but he succeeded (he's like that:-) This is where the pox comes in. As I was watching my dear hubs work on the hinges, I blurted out "A pox on those who paint over hinges!" Of course, I wasn't serious--I don't actually wish a pox on hinge painters...I do, however, wish they wouldn't paint them. 

After the hinges were removed, we taped off the Iceberg we had already painted and started work on the cabinets and the trim. For them, we chose Alabaster, another paint color from Sherwin Williams. This is what the pantry looked like before the paint...

Before paint...
This is after...
With paint...

Of course, the doors aren't on in this picture, but it already looks better.

Here are some of the upper cabinets after being painted. The Alabaster really brightened them up, especially when they are next to the Iceberg walls.

Right, upper cabinets after paint...

Below is a shot of the lower right cabinets after paint (and with new hinges--I'll touch on that in another post.)

Lower right cabinets...

The floor is still the old linoleum because we plan to try to reclaim the original pine floors and want to do that all at once instead of in spurts. Hopefully, we will be able to work around all the termite damage to save them. 

Tune in next week to see what happened with the upper cabinets...I'm trying something new to me.
