Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Nope! You're not on the Titanic about to hit one; you're on my blog about to behold the new color of my guessed it...Iceberg:-)   

A little background on the color Iceberg.  We lived in our CS home for about 9 years with builder grade "Summertime Tan" on the walls in our open living area. (Actually, it was on all walls except those in the master suite which my dear husband had previously painted about 7 years into our time there.) Both of us have definite opinions when it comes to paint colors; thus, we had a difficult time agreeing on any. We did agree on the colors for the master suite, but it took about 7 years, and then we didn't like them. Sigh. 

In 2011, we finally found colors for the open living area with which we could both be happy. One was Iceberg from Sherwin Williams. The living area, dining room, and kitchen walls were painted this color.  

Living area in the CS house...

Breakfast nook in the CS house...

After having such a time choosing a paint color, we decided that color would carry over to our current house. We both still like the color, and as the old adage states, "If it ain't broke; don't fix it!"

When we moved in here, our kitchen was an off-white color.  Not a bad color in and of itself. However, it was very dingy, as it had been that color for many years through a couple of different occupants. The top of the walls were also lined with a fab*u*lous (NOT) wallpaper border featuring country cottages and stores.

That was the first project into which we dove. It was a bit more intense than I envisioned. One section came off with no problem, but the rest was really stuck on well and required significant elbow grease. It finally came off, and we were able to move on. 

Sans wallpaper border:-)

The next project was to paint the walls (the walls that are staying). We performed the necessary evil of taping off the trim and the cabinets so that they didn't end up painted Iceberg along with the walls. Their color is for another post:-)

Before I go any further, let me state that I hate to paint. HATE. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach and want to turn and run. Far. For a long time. Crazy, huh?! Especially since we have A LOT (yes, all you English teachers out there, I'm aware "a lot is a cemetery plot", not a word to describe the state of having several--but I'm a rebel) of painting to do and this is merely the beginning. I managed to get control of myself, adult-up, and get the kitchen painted. It did take awhile, but it got done...ya gotta do what ya gotta do. (and I gotta do that a whole lot more--I just keep reminding myself what a blessing it is to actually have a house to paint.) 

Here is the first wall I painted...


The opposite wall...

As you can tell, the blue makes a significant difference in the look. After the cabinets and trim are painted and the door replaced, you will see an even bigger difference. Stay tuned:-)


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