Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Thanks, Clint!

Que the theme from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, starring Clint know the one, it starts out with an eerie windpipe whistling and gets stuck in your head so you can't get it out. Yeah. That's the one. Now that it's rolling in your head, let's talk about my kitchen.

The kitchen is the one place in which I don't quite know what I want yet. My game plan from the beginning has been to put some lipstick on it and call it a day for awhile.  I only want to do the kitchen in a major way ONCE. That's it. ONCE. I don't want to remodel the kitchen every 5 years because I hate it. I don't have the time or the energy for that. Thus, I want to do it right (as right as possible) the first time. That may seem like a tall order, but I'm fairly confident I can get it done in a way that will serve me well for the rest of my life. That's not to say I won't ever change the paint color or something like that, but I don't want to put in new cabinets 5 times before I die always searching for the "perfect" layout. I'd rather spend my time making jewelry or bags, traveling or reading.

So I'd call the kitchen a mixed bag when we moved in. It certainly had a variety of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Let's take a look...

the GOOD:

Well, there were cabinets, a stove, a pantry and room to put a table for an "eat-in" kitchen, which I love.

the BAD:

The pantry is small, the cabinet shelves are slanted, and the plug for the stove quit working. On the other hand, there's nothing bad that can be said for room to put a table!


the UGLY:

Where to start? That's partially apparent in the photos above...namely, the wonderfully cream and brown colored linoleum. Sigh. Oh, and don't forget the splits in the doors to the outside and the door to the bedroom (an easy fix, though, with a trip to Gonzales and the architectural salvage store there). We also had a small rodent problem that fortunately rectified itself (whew!) However,  the best part is probably this...

A little redneck ingenuity...

Yep! That's duct (Duck) tape...on the the kitchen doorway. It's covering the cardboard that is covering the holes created by those pesky termites a few years ago (thankfully, no active ones currently). Not to give anything away, but there are several more of these lovely patches in other rooms in the house. Brilliant solution, huh?! We want to do all the flooring at once and are nowhere near ready for that task; so...duct tape:-)
Stay tuned for our lipstick journey the next few weeks. Oh, and thanks, Clint for starring in a movie whose title I could use to take a tour through my kitchen!


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