Wednesday, December 30, 2015

It's the Little Things...

I'm gonna be honest now and tell you that I'm really out of things to share about my kitchen, so this post will be a stretch. Progress is at a standstill because we were working on show stuff all fall and then Christmas stuff, so we came to a grinding halt about the end of September. My dear hubs is in the middle of an awesome project that I'm hoping he will finish within the next week or two so I can share that with you. I also hope to get to civilization next week and pick up some more Alabaster paint to finish one section of trim at the ceiling and a couple of pieces of furniture. Until then, I'll be flying by the seat of my pants (something not that foreign to me:-).

When you move all your junk from two houses into one and still have stuff in storage units and boxes and every possible place you can stuff it, you learn things. The first thing you learn is that if you need something, you probably won't be able to find it. Ever. Okay, so maybe not ever, but it will feel like ever. In those times, you learn (this is number 2:-) to think of all the good things that have happened to you. Like maybe the fact that you're getting to start from the ground up on a new adventure with the hubs and neither of you have killed the other after pretty much spending 24/7 together for almost a year. Or the fact that you even had choices when the old job ax fell...many, many people don't. And there are (Yes, I know I started a sentence with AND. If that bothers you too badly, look at the one before, it started with OR:-) always the wonderful things you find when moving (instead of lose, I mean temporarily misplace in a safe spot.) take, for example, this curtain...

I found the set from which this came as I was packing up the house we lived in for 12 years almost to the day. Perfect fit for now. I love this curtain; it's the short version of the long ones we used in our old living area. The short ones were going to become pillows, but never did. I am glad because now I can use it in the kitchen to add color...and, if you know me, you know I like pops of color:-) 

Another thing you learn, is to mix it up. (Probably because you can't find the things you used to use together, but that's ok.) I have the striped curtain in the only big window. Obviously, that size wouldn't fit a shorter window, and changing the matching one isn't an option because I'll possibly need it for another spot. To solve the problem I turned to aprons. Yep! Those things that most people wear to keep from ruining their clothes when they cook. Those. In our ETX (that stands for East Texas in my lingo) rental, I used aprons to cover the two windows in our kitchen.  It fit with the vintage decor of the house. I decided to carry that over in my kitchen here (at least for now). Just a warning, the aprons don't "match" the striped curtain. I'm not really that kinda person. I use what I like, and meld it all together. So if things that don't "match" really upset you, you might want to close your eyes and stop reading now...

You also learn to make do with the things you can find until you find the things you're looking for (wow! Isn't that a great sentence ending with a preposition!). I've been cooking with salt, pepper, red pepper, and garlic until now. However, we found the other spices, that I THOUGHT were somewhere on the farm, in one of the storage units. Phew! Now I can expand my repertoire. 

I could go on all day about things learned through all of this...however, it would take all day and I don't want to bore you to death, so I won't (I hear that collective sigh of relief!). I will, however, leave you with a pic of one of my favorite aprons. Just because "it's the little things"...



  1. Love the aprons with the colorful stripes! And your fun posts! (like how I used "and" at the beginning of the sentence as well?)

    1. Thank you! Love that you're joining the "start-sentences-with-conjunctions-club.
